Video: 5 kids who can mountain bike WAYYYYY better than you! Actually make that 8!

Video: 5 kids who can mountain bike WAYYYYY better than you! Actually make that 8!

kids mountain bike better than you video
What were you doing when your were 10 years old? We guess you weren't hitting the trails as hard or as fast as these little shredders on kids mountain bikes. Watch these 5 videos to see how they rip!

They can use computers better than we can, they rule the internet, and now they’re taking our STRAVA segments from us! Kids are ruling the rooster, and snapping up the scralp making us grown ups look more wooden than a ancient forest.

And that is amazing! Ripping up trails and sending booters is a way better idea than and making us join them in a Tik Tok dance.

Below we’ve hand-picked 5 videos that showcase the incredible skills of 8 young riders.

Erice Van Leuven – 16 inch. Coaster brake on real trails

  • Bike: Something Pink

Sacha Brizin – School of Steep

Harry Schofield – 10 year old back flip Surrey Hills

8 year olds ride A-Line at Whistler Bike Park

Clash Kids

Don’t let their flow and style embarrass you, instead feel inspired to ride more and if you have sprogs of your own get them on 2 wheels today. Need more video? You can find them here,
