July 20th is International #RIDEMTBDAY the “Official Holiday of Mountain Biking”

July 20th is International #RIDEMTBDAY the “Official Holiday of Mountain Biking”

international ride mtb day
Looking for an excuse to go out and ride? Then mark 20th July in your calendar for International Ride MTB Day!

Join the global movement!

Keep in mind that #RIDEMTBDAY doesn’t belong to any one person or  any single group.  If you are a mountain biker it belongs to you, so please join us in recognizing and celebrating the “Official Holiday of Mountain Biking”.


International Ride Mountain Bike Day takes place on 20th July 2020 and is a day where riders are encouraged to get out on their bike. It’s a day for mountain biking and sharing the sport of mountain biking with your friends and family.

This website has created the holiday and has even created downloadable artwork for mountain bike fans to put on their own rides, and events.

International Ride Mountain bike day
What is International Ride MTB day?

A day to celebrate how fun riding MTB is. No competition, just good times and an excuse to invite more people to get out to ride and support local IBD’s.

Who can take part?

Absolutely everybody! No wrong way to participate as long as you’re out on a bike!

Why take part?

To encourage more people to ride and unite the industry, at least for a single day ;), to ensure health and prosperity to everyone we work with and the culture of mountain biking.

More mountain bike event news here.
